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The CASASAPO Classifieds Service is for property owners that want to sell or rent properties, as well as for real estate professionals that only have a few properties on their portfolio and it is a very efficient advertising mean with a low investment cost.

CASASAPO portal allows you to advertise your advert on various portals quickly and easily with just one click.

The Portuguese property portal

For 23 years now CASASAPO works relentlesslly to help you to close more deals.

No other portal offers the credibility and the confidence of CASASAPO, the leading real estate portal in Moçambique!

What do our clients say

Thank you. I have rented my apartment within 24h.

Glória Flores

The free portals are not worth the effort. I rather invest and know that I am going to get some results.

Afonso Monteiro

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